[alpha version 0.1; 5 August 15; Comments are welcome.]
The I‑Am acts as a container for the other regions. It shields you from outside forces rather than holding a lot of life force you can use for action. Because of that, the scoring is a little bit different.
__ 1. Energy Environment You Live In. Rate the energy level in your environment and whether the energy is positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M). Positive I‑Am energy in the environment feels like support for you being yourself. Negative energy feels like someone trying to control you or tell you what you should think or feel.
__ 2. Energy Environment You Create. How much energy do you provide for others in your environment and is it positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M).
__ 3. Information Environment You Live In. Rate the information level in your environment and whether the information is positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M). Positive information will help you understand the boundaries and connections between you and other people.
__ 4. Information Environment You Create. How much information do you provide for others in your environment and is it positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M).
Life Force
__ 5. Current Energy — You. How much energy do you have in your I‑Am region? Is the energy positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M)? Positive energy in the I‑Am let’s you be separate and connected on your own terms. Negative energy feels like other people have control of you.
__ 6. Desired Energy — You. How much energy do you want in your I‑Am? Do you want positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M) energy?
__ 7. Current Information — You. How much information do you have in your I‑Am? Is the information positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M)? Positive information in the I‑Am tells you how to be separate and connected with others as you wish. Negative information says that other people should have control of you.
__ 8. Desired Information — You. How much information do you want in your I‑Am? Do you want positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M) information?
__ 9. Lost Pieces. Missing I‑Am pieces can show up as an inability to separate yourself from other people. It feels like someone or something can always get to you. It usually shows up in all regions, but it can also be associated with specific regions of the soul. If there are parts of your life that you can’t remember, especially when you were a child, some part of your I‑Am is missing. Make a guess about how much of your I‑Am region is still shielding you from the outside world.
__ 10. Stolen Pieces. Stolen I‑Am pieces leave you feeling vulnerable to a specific person. Write down how many pieces you think may be missing and the names of the people who took them.
__ 11. Extra Pieces You Took. It’s unlikely you can take pieces of someone’s I‑Am. You can break it, though. You gain control, but it is at the expense of the other person’s ability to function independently. If you are concerned with increasing positive life force, giving the pieces back will let the other person increase his or her life force, too. Write down the number of pieces you think you have and who you took them from.
__ 12. Old Controls. External controls on your I‑Am feel like someone in your past forcing you to make decisions of all types. Write down the list of people who might be controlling you.
__ 13. Demon Bits. If there is any part of your self-direction that seems out of control, consider the possibility that some other entity may be involved. Score this as no or maybe. You’ll need someone experienced in removing demons to help you out.
__ 14. Cysts. A cyst in the I‑Am would feel like you were two separate people. One person may or may not remember what happened to the other person. Score this Yes, No, or Maybe.
__ 15. Integration of Pieces. Write down the percentage of your I‑Am that seems to be intact. I‑Am pieces that are broken feel like holes in your protection from the rest of the world.
__ 16. Accepting Positive Life Force. Write down the percentage of support you can accept from your environment. Negative life force disguised as loving controls goes in the next question.
__ 17. Blocking Negative Life Force. Write down the percentage of life force that you don’t want from others that gets through.
__ 18. Sending Positive Life Force. When you want to send life force to others, pay attention to how much actually there. Write down the percentage that gets through.
__ 19. Discharging Negative Life Force. When negative life force gets through your I‑Am, making you doubt yourself, how long does it take you to get rid of half of it?
__ 20. Processing Lessons. As you deal with issues in the I‑Am region, write them down and how you processed them. List any lessons you are stuck on. Use this question as the place where you total up your successes and challenges. Each time you go through this evaluation, the number should increase. If you aren’t successfully processing lessons, it’s time to ask someone for help.
__ 21. Connection to Greater Soul. Write down the amount of confidence you have that your separateness and connection to the guiding spirits is what you want. Use a scale of 0-10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means you feel in control of your side of the interaction.
__ 22. Connection to Other Types of Souls. Write down the amount of positive connection you feel between you and one of the other spirits. Use a scale of -10 to 10 where -10 means the other spirit is in control, 0 means no connection, and 10 means you understand the spirits point of view, but make your own decisions.
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