Soul Evaluation

[alpha version 0.1; 5 August 2015; Comments are welcome.]

Available components: Wish Evaluation Heart Evaluation I‑Am Evaluation

If you are planning to improve the health of your soul, it’s probably a good idea to evaluate your soul’s current condition and decide how you want it to be different. This soul evaluation will help you do that.

The evaluation looks at each region of your soul. You mark what your soul is like now and what you want it to be. When you are making changes, you need a record of where you started. It’s almost impossible to remember if you don’t write it down.

Background Concepts

Our souls have seven aspects. Each performs a specific kind of task. The aspects are Info, Mind, Voice, Heart, Will, Wish, and Energy. Info gathers information from outside of the soul. Energy gathers energy from outside the soul. Mind, Voice, Heart, Will, and Wish are usually experienced in the head, throat, heart, belly, and lower abdomen. Mind and Voice deal more with information than energy. Will and Wish deal more with energy. Heart is balanced. The I‑Am forms a container around Mind, Voice, Heart, Will, and Wish. It is what separates you from everything else.

The soul is powered with life force. Life force affects the energy level and the information in the soul. Each region of the soul works with its own mix of energy and information. When you are healthy, each region chooses how much life force to allow through your I‑Am boundary. The processing section assumes that you want positive life force. Most people do, but not all. If you want to heal your soul to be a negative force in the world, reverse positive and negative in the questions. We also hope you will rethink your decision.

We will start with the I‑Am because it holds all the other pieces together. Next we will look at the five parts inside the I‑Am. Then we will look at the two parts outside of I‑Am.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation asks the same 22 questions for each region of your soul. It’s a lot of questions, but there is no need to go through them all at once. Going through a region a day or even one question a day is still making progress, little by little, toward healing your soul. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

The questions are divided into four categories: environment, life force, structure, and processing. The four environment questions look at what surrounds you. They ask if the soul reality are you living in is positive. The four life force questions look at the life force in your soul. They ask how positive the life force in your soul is and if you have as much as you want. The seven structure questions ask about the health of each region of your soul. They look for specific kinds of damage and how well your soul fits together. The final seven questions about processing look at how your soul uses life force. They ask if you can accept the life force that you want and whether you connect to other souls.

This section explains each of the questions in a general way. Later there will be specific evaluation sheets for each region of your soul because each region has its own way of looking at the questions. You will mark your answers based on the region-specific questions.

For each question consider the possibilities and mark the answer that is closest to your evaluation of the region. Don’t worry about being exactly right. One of the important parts of working on your soul is that you understand more as you do the work.

For the first evaluation, the most important part is the difference between how your soul is now and how you want it to be. In later evaluations, you want to make sure the current state of your soul reflects the progress you have made in your work. Progress in healing is one part of that. The other part is understanding more fully what kind of work needs to be done. You may find more problems that you need to work on, and that is progress. If you feel discouraged about finding more issues, also try to rejoice that you are now strong enough to find them and work on them. Also remember that if you get stuck, there are people who can help.

The rest of this section looks at the categories of questions and describes the scoring for each question. You’ll use the scoring later when you evaluate each region of your soul.


These questions look at the environment you live in. Before you can make changes you need life force. If your environment is draining your life force, the first task is to change your environment. For example, you can’t make positive changes in yourself in an abusive environment that sends more trauma and negative life force in your direction.

  1. Energy Environment You Live In

This question asks how much energy you can get from your environment. Answer on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is means that the environment gives you no energy and 6 or higher means that the energy in the environment changes your energy level significantly.

Also mark whether the energy is positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M). Some examples are given for possible emotions that would go along with positive or negative energy. It is possible to have positive energy and feelings toward one person and just the opposite toward someone else. Try to figure out an average. List the people who are creating negative energy in your life.

  1. Energy Environment You Create

This question asks how much positive or negative energy you provide for those in your environment. Answer on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is means you provide no energy to others and 6 or higher means that the energy you provide changes other’s energy level significantly. An important reason for asking this question is that the energy you provide is often reflected back to you from others.

Also mark whether the energy is positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M). It is possible to provide positive energy for one person and just the opposite for someone else. Try to figure out an average. List the people who receive negative energy from you.

  1. Information Environment You Live In

This question asks how much information you can get from the environment about this region. Score from 0 to 10 where 0 means there is no information out there and 6 or higher means you can find enough information to make a change. Also score whether the information is positive or negative.

Positive information is knowing how to create more positive energy. Negative information is information knowing how to create more negative energy. The energy change can be in others or in yourself. It can be in any region of the soul. List the people who are providing negative information in your life.

  1. Information Environment You Create

Score how much positive or negative information you provide for those in your environment. Answer on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is means you provide no positive information or feedback to others and 6 or higher means that the information you provide changes other’s life force level significantly. An important reason for asking this question is that the information you provide is part of the environment you live in and is the easiest for you to change.

Also mark whether the energy is positive (P), negative (N), or mixed (M). It is possible to provide positive information for one person and just the opposite for someone else. Try to figure out an average. List the people who receive negative information from you.

Life Force

These questions look at the current state of your soul and how you might want it to change. The reason this is important is because you can’t make any changes without getting energy and information from someplace in your soul. It doesn’t have to be from this region, but one of the regions needs to have the energy and information to do the work. It’s easiest if the energy and information are in the region you want to work on. Positive life force is not always required for positive changes.

  1. Current Energy — You

This question asks how much energy you have in this region of your soul. Answer on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is totally without energy and 6 or higher is having enough energy to share it with others.

Also mark whether the energy is positive (P) or negative (N). Some examples are given for possible emotions that would go along with positive or negative energy. It is possible to have positive energy and feelings toward one person and just the opposite toward someone else. Try to figure out an average.

  1. Desired Energy — You

This question asks how much positive or negative energy you want in this region in six months. It’s possible to want more and it’s also possible to want less. Score it from 0 to 10 and whether you want it to be positive or negative.

  1. Current Information — You

This question asks about how well you understand this region. Score from 0 to 10 where 0 means you don’t have a clue and 6 or higher means you have enough information share with others. Also score whether the information is positive or negative.

Positive information is knowing how to create more positive energy. Negative information is information knowing how to create more negative energy. The energy change can be in others or in yourself. It can be in any region of the soul.

  1. Desired Information — You

Score how much positive or negative information you want in this region in six months. As with energy, it’s possible to want more and it’s also possible to want less. Score it from 0 to 10 and whether you want it to be positive or negative.


It’s hard to get through life without pieces of your soul getting lost. Traumas almost always knock pieces off. Big traumas can knock enough away that you can’t remember the incident. Memories of part of your life may be missing. Even if pieces of your soul are somewhat within you, they may not all be integrated together.

Recovering lost memories is usually painful and is not the best first step when you start to heal your soul. You need a good environment first. Then you need to build up enough life force within yourself. Sometimes you can do that on your own. Other times you may need help from someone else to bring back pieces of your soul and the life force that accompanies them. When you have enough life force, you can bring lost pieces back, remove extra pieces, and integrate your soul.

  1. Lost Pieces

Lost pieces of your soul are pieces that have been broken off by trauma. Some part of your soul is now living in another place in soul reality. These lost pieces leave you feeling incomplete. It feels as if other people are better connected with life than you are. You may remember a time when you were young and felt full of happiness and energy. If it’s different now, there is a good chance that something happened. You may or may not remember what happened. If the trauma happened early in your life, you won’t have much to compare your current life with. Each part of the soul has a characteristic feeling that goes with missing pieces. Write down the percentage of your soul that you think you have. That would be 0% if your whole soul part is lost and 100% if you think there are no missing pieces in this part of your soul. This is just a guess. You will make better guesses as you continue to work on recovering parts of your soul. For some parts of the soul the recovery can be very painful and require a lot of life force. It’s important to change little by little. Steady progress with increasing energy, information, and recovered parts is a good goal.

  1. Stolen Pieces

People can also take part of your soul, either on purpose or accidentally. Some people take parts of another person’s soul to feel closer to that person. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that very well. You can’t use another person’s soul, although it is possible to steal and use another person’s life force. Write down how many people you think may have a part of your soul. Make a list of names, too. You’ll be working on getting those soul pieces back.

  1. Extra Pieces You Took

You may have taken parts of other people’s souls. They really won’t help you, so you might as well give them back. Write down how many parts you think you have and the names of the people you took them from.

  1. Old Controls

This question looks at whether someone else can cause part of your soul to act in ways you don’t agree with. If the person is still around, list them in questions 1 and 3. This question looks at controls that were part of your environment in the past. Somehow what was going on then has stuck with you into the present. Someone who controlled you in the past is still influencing you. This is especially likely from a parent, but any time you felt totally controlled by someone else, this kind of external control can happen. The scary thing is that this kind of control doesn’t end when the other person dies. In fact, it usually gets worse. Write down the people who have had this kind of control over you. Mark the ones who still influence your decisions even though they are no longer part of your environment. You will be working on removing their connections from your soul.

  1. Demon Bits

It is possible for other entities to grab onto a piece of our soul. These are hard to detect and even harder to get rid of on your own. Look first at the possibility of your current environment and missing pieces and then at something left over from your past. When you have ruled those possibilities out, you can think about another entity. Score this as no or maybe. You’ll need someone experienced in removing demons to help you out.

  1. Cysts

Cysts are when a region has an outer layer separated from its inner core by something that is keeping the inner core from showing itself to others. The inner core may be filled with the opposite kind of life force or hoocha. When it is filled with negative life force, you will put on a show of being one way, for example friendly. You will know that the true you is really angry at everyone. When the center is filled with hoocha, you will also appear to be one way. However, in the example of being friendly, when someone is angry with you, you won’t be able to handle it and will fall into a dark emotional hole. You are pushed into the hoocha and that eats all the energy you have.

  1. Integration of Pieces

As you bring pieces back, you need to integrate them with the rest of your soul. For each region write down how much of your soul is integrated together. It will be the same or less than the percentage you chose in the lost pieces question. It can’t be more because you can’t integrate pieces that are still lost.


Processing and structure work together to heal your soul. You need structure to hold life force. You need effective processing to bring positive life force into the structure and remove negative life force.

  1. Accepting Positive Life Force

Think of how much positive life force there is in your environment related to each region of your soul. If it is there and offered to you, you want to be able to accept it. Write down the percentage of that life force you can accept and use.

  1. Blocking Negative Life Force

Think of how much negative life force there is in your environment. You want to notice it is there but you also want to be able to stop it from negatively affecting you. Write down the percentage of negative life force that you keep from affecting you. One situation that you need to be aware of is when the negative life force is coming at you because of something harmful you have done. Use your awareness of the negative feelings to motivate you to change your behavior.

  1. Sending Positive Life Force

You can send positive life force to another person or group to help them. You should be able to do this without depleting yourself. It is hard to decide how much life force you are sending. For this question write down the percentage of time you are able to send life force when you want to. If you never want to send positive life force, write down 0.

  1. Discharging Negative Life Force

We all get negative life force sent in our direction. Part of the way of dealing with negatives is not allowing them to get into your soul. The other part is finding ways to deal with the negatives that get in. This question asks how well you discharge the life force that gets in. There are many possible measures. The one we are using here is when negative life force gets to one of the soul regions, how long does it take you to get rid of half of it? [Alternate question: What percentage of the negative life force is gone a day later?]

  1. Processing Lessons

Joseph Drumheller describes ways to move from pain to healing and action. His steps are

  1. Pain leads to suffering
  2. Suffering leads to awareness
  3. Awareness leads to healing
  4. Healing leads to awakening
  5. Awakening leads to development
  6. Development leads to action

Gary Craig tells us how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques to deal with issues. The techniques for entering your control room also provide ways to deal with issues.

This question asks how well you have dealt with issues in this part of your soul. Write down the number of issues you have successfully gone through with each region. Keep track of lessons you have gotten stuck on. It will help you a lot to see that you are making progress in dealing with issues. If you don’t write them down, you won’t remember.

  1. Connection to Greater Soul

All spiritual paths discuss the concept of a greater power. In recovery literature, they refer to a higher power. Christians call it God, and sometimes talk about angels as messengers from God. The angels could be considered greater souls for this question. Other people have other names, including the concept of a Mother Earth spirit. For this question you evaluate the connection you have with one of these greater souls. Use a scale of 0-10 where 0 means no connection and 10 means you have effortless conversations.

  1. Connection to Other Types of Souls

Many cultures have the concept of other entities that have souls. This can include, among others, nature spirits, the spirits of humans who have died, and any of the beings known as fairy-folk. This question is different from the previous question because these entities have about the same amount of power as humans. For this question consider your connections though each of your soul regions with other types of souls. Use a scale of 0-10 where 0 means no connection and 10 means you have effortless conversations.


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