Soul Overview

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When I talk about a soul, I want something that can teach us about many things. The most important is proving souls exist. I also want the model to show how souls are part of our lives.

For proof we need souls that continue after the body dies. We need something that connects us with one another in nonphysical ways. We also want to explain what happens when people see angels, ghosts, or other beings that don’t have bodies.

Beyond proving souls exist, we need a way of thinking about souls that explains many different aspects of who we are and why we do what we do. I think most people agree that people can treat each other and the world better. I want a model for souls that suggests how that can happen.

The starting point is something that is different from the physical body. We need to have a picture of the soul so we can talk about it. My model has seven regions mostly inside a container.
On the outside is a container for the self that I call the I Am. This is the most basic part. It is probably the part that provides the model for connecting our body with our soul. From a soul point of view, it divides what is outside us from what is inside us by defining self and other. I think learning about this separation is one of the big reasons we take on bodies.

Five regions of the soul are almost completely inside the I Am. The first is the Wish region. It deals with what we want to have and what we want to happen. The second region is the Will, which is responsible for powering our actions and keeping us moving forward to achieve our plans. It deals mostly with energy. The third region is the Heart. This is the part that connects us with one another in positive and negative ways. We use this region to choose whom we will be close to. The fourth region is Voice. That is how we transmit ideas and feelings and how we give thanks for what we have received. The fifth region is Mind, which we use for processing information. It works with all the other regions inside the I Am to make our plans. When I think about these regions, I usually stack them up from the belly to the head, as shown in the picture.

If you know about charkas, you’ll notice some similarities with chakras two through six. My model has some important differences, though. First of all, I don’t like the idea of small spots located in a particular area of the body. I especially dislike tying any part of the soul to a physical part of the body. I prefer to think of souls as a continuous thing with one region blending into the next. The colors of a rainbow have colors between the seven colors we call primary. I think soul regions blend their functions, too. The idea that the I Am surrounds the rest of the soul is an even bigger difference.

Outside the I Am I think there are two more regions. One, which I call the Energy region, connects to the energy in the world. This is sort of like the root charka, but it is mostly outside of the I Am. I also think of it as outside of the body. It seems to me like the roots of a tree that extend into the energy around us. It is not contained inside us and is definitely not completely under our control.

The last region connects to the structure of reality. I call it the Info region. It is also outside of the I Am and connects to information outside us. Some of that comes from more powerful soul beings that we contact. It is also not entirely under our control.

Both of the last two regions spread into soul reality. How far they go depends on where we want them to go and how much power we have to send them out. People who journey through soul reality are using these two regions of their soul.

The other important part of the soul model looks at how each region holds and uses life force. We look at how much life force the region has, how much it can hold, and how well it uses it. Some regions use information more than energy. These are the Mind region and the Communication region. The Wish region and the Will region are more effective with energy. The Heart region seems to use an even balance of information and energy.

Here are some of the things this model gives us.

Having a soul gives us a way to feel more fully alive. It lets us know we are part of a greater experience, both with other humans and with everything else in our realities. It gives more meaning to our lives because who we are and what we do continue beyond our death.

From a healing perspective, having a soul gives us a lot of tools to help with sadness and pain. One example is that parts of our soul are damaged or lost because of trauma. Western medicine usually can’t fix that loss. But other traditions have ways to recover lost parts of the soul, remove harmful influences, and increase positive energy. Because we have souls we can heal ourselves and lead happier lives.

It allows us to use the same set of ideas to explain angels, ghosts, and other spirits. They have the same soul structure outside of a physical body. Other things in the world may also have souls. These souls may be more or less powerful than our souls, but they all have a similar structure. If we talk about being made in God’s image, this is the image I think we are discussing.

This model lets us explain almost all of the things that we can do that are not explained by our physical bodies. All of the ideas we talk about in evidence are covered by this model.
Beyond that, this model can be used to combine many different theories about who we are as human beings. Psychological theories often seem confusing because they disagree with one another. I think this model helps explain why.

Different theories describe different parts of the soul. Each is correct within one region, but can’t explain everything. When we combine the theories as being true for part of our soul, they make a lot more sense. Understanding ourselves is a big step in knowing how to make ourselves and the world better.

Soul Regions

Energy Region: our deep connection to a mix of positive and negative energy.
Wish Region: an expression of who we want to be.
Will Region: how we turn our wishes into reality.
Heart Region: power for our connections with others.
Voice Region: communication with other beings in ordinary and non-ordinary reality.
Mind Region: three processes — sensing, sorting, and thinking.
Info Region: connection to the information of the universe.
I-Am: the boundary that separates you from everything else.


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