Category Archives: souls

We All Have Souls. Why Does it Matter? Part 2

The soul I am talking about has a structure. You can read about it here.

The life force we talked about earlier powers the soul. Life force moves energy and information from one place to another. Some regions use information more than energy. These are the Mind region and the Voice region. The Desire region and the Will region are more effective with energy. The Heart region seems to use an even balance of information and energy.

The second reason that souls matter is because they provide many ways for us to heal ourselves. Life is difficult and we all get banged and bruised. Western medicine is usually pretty effective at healing the body. It is not nearly as effective at healing the Mind or the Heart or the Will. Techniques that rely on soul reality can be used to heal these other parts of us.

There are some practices, current recognized by Western medicine, that seem to be best explained by soul reality. These include eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping), Rolfing, and other deep tissue massage. Other techniques that seem to use both body- and soul-related ideas include acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, qi gong, and related techniques.

Other techniques take us deep into soul reality. Shamanic healing techniques come from a variety of traditions, both modern and ancient. These focus on healing the soul. Earth magic, including witchcraft and herb lore, can be used for healing, too. When we look at these traditions, at least for people who are working on healing, we find that they work for all souls. It isn’t just humans that can be healed by these techniques. They can be used to heal the soul of the world and the souls of everything the world contains.

In our culture we get in the habit of thinking only about the physical. When we experience the world through our souls, everything changes. We are connected to one another, and if we are open to the experience, we are connected to everything. An act of kindness can resonate throughout a community. Even people who don’t know what has happened can feel a positive change. We know that what we do makes a difference. We know that we are alone only if we choose to be. We can connect with others in our community because souls are designed for just that purpose. This meaningful connection is the third reason that souls matter.

I believe our physical existence is a great experiment to create something new in a universe of souls. There are places where the glory of this creation can be felt. Some say the wilderness is best. But I find the same kind of joining together can happen with art or music. Think of the joy you see in videos of a flash mob music and dance performance.

So having souls lets us heal and grow. Souls let us be part of something that is important and know that the effort we put into our lives will make a difference. Souls let us feel our connections to others even while we are in bodies that separate us. Deep inside us we want meaningful lives and loving relationships and the knowledge that we matter. It’s work to get all those, but having souls matters because souls let us accomplish all those things.

We All Have Souls. Why Does it Matter? Part 1

Our souls matter because they are our connection to the most profound parts of our living universe. In our culture we may feel cut off from one another, separated from nature, and terrified of our aloneness. Remembering we have a soul gives us a path to reconnect to all the things that matter to us.

I am not promoting a particular religion. Religions are only one way to recognize our souls. Having a soul may not lead to religion at all. But experiencing the world with our souls will connect us to all the glory that is around us.

In my work, I find souls important in three areas. Continue reading and add your comment

When We Die, Are We Healed?

Many people who work with souls believe that when we die our souls become whole again. All the soul pieces that we lost return to make us whole.

I have a report from Dana Smith where she talks about one time when parts did return. She and some other beings were watching a soul ascend to the light. Just as the soul was about to pass through the boundary between this world and the next, the process stopped. The entities helping the soul to move on told the people watching to go back down and check on the body.

Dana and the other beings did that. As they watched, soul parts began arriving on the bed. They were dressed in old-fashioned travel outfits and looked eager to make their journey. Continue reading and add your comment

We All Have Souls

Most people who travel in the non-ordinary ask themselves from time to time, “Is this real?” It’s especially true for those just starting to have non-ordinary encounters.

Our larger culture does not support the non-ordinary. So, we need to form a sub-culture that does. I believe that when the sub-culture gets to be about Continue reading and add your comment

Compassionate Depossession

I took Betsy Bergstrom’s Compassionate Depossession class last weekend. Betsy was recommended by two shamanic practitioners I have a lot of respect for: Alida Birch in Eugene, Oregon, and Ana Larramendi in Madison, Wisconsin.

I’m going to talk here about compassionate depossession and some of the insights I got from taking the class. Let’s start with the two parts of compassionate depossession: depossession and compassion.

Depossession comes from the realization that it is possible for other souls or spirits to join with our soul. Sometimes the other beings want control of what we do. Other times they are lost and hurting — just looking for a safe place to hide. The problem is that even the beings that are just looking for safety can bring some negative things into our lives.

The compassionate part looks for ways to remove the possessing beings gently. It is very different from exorcism, where the being is treated as a demon and cast into the fiery pit of hell. For some, probably understandable, reason they don’t want to go and can put up quite a fight. What Betsy has seen is that most of the beings are not trying to cause harm. They are happy to move on because there are much better places for them to be. Compassionate depossession is all about Continue reading and add your comment

Voice of the Soul

In Lessons of the Inca Shamans Deborah Bryon describes receiving information from the powerful spirits (Apus) of the scared mountains in Peru. The information she received was sent to three of the soul centers that the Inca medicine people think are most important, the Mind, the Heart, and the Belly.

When Deborah came back to her home in Colorado, she still hadn’t processed all of the information. Much of her first book looks at the process of integrating information sent to the Belly and the Heart. Some came out through her writing, but more came out through Deborah’s painting. The Belly found a way to speak through the symbols in the art. You can find out more at her website Lessons of the Inca Shamans and in her two books.

In our Western culture we don’t get much information sent directly to the Belly. We are much more in tune with information that comes through our Voice and is processed in the Mind.

But there are times when the Belly — probably a combination of Will and Desire in my way of looking at the soul — is profoundly affected by something that happens to us. Abuse is one of those events. If the Will can’t process how the abuse affected it, it will not be able to heal.

The problem is that the Will does not have the ability to process events Continue reading and add your comment

Cording and Entanglement

Connections to another person that usually don’t help anyone.

Tom Blaschko and Heather O’Connell

Cording or entanglement is a topic that is discussed in many traditions of counseling and healing. With this article I’m hoping to show how using a soul model provides added insight into the dynamics of the interaction. Continue reading and add your comment

Unconditional Love

I’ve always wondered about the concept of unconditional love. Isn’t it just a set-up for one person to control another? Is there a way for it to be healthy?

The usual statement goes like this, “If you just showed me unconditional love, then everything would be all right.” That is often best translated to, “You have to let me do whatever I want — even if it really hurts you.” It’s a controlling, negative Will statement.

I now have a different idea about unconditional love. Here’s how the idea can work.

In unconditional love the positive life force from the Heart continues to flow Continue reading and add your comment

Structure of the Soul

This time I thought I would give a brief outline of how souls are structured. If I’m going to explain why I think we have souls, it’s probably a good idea to let you know what I think a soul is.

My experience is that our souls have seven aspects. Each performs a specific kind of task. The names I currently use for the aspects are Form, Mind, Voice, Heart, Will, Desire, and Energy.

Form gathers information from outside of the soul. In many practices it is a name for our connection Continue reading and add your comment

Healing Our Soul

I’m working on two books related to souls. One is on the basic of souls and ways we can prove souls exist. I’m calling that one We All Have Souls and I Think I Can Prove It. The second book doesn’t have a name yet, but my intent is to work with several other people to describe ways that we can heal our souls.

There are other books that I plan to work on. They will be with people who have experience in many different fields.

One set will look more deeply at the proofs of souls Continue reading and add your comment