Tag Archives: possession

Curses through Many Lifetimes

When I remove curses or have curses on me removed, I find that many are from earlier lifetimes. A typical pattern is that one person gets cursed in one lifetime and then turns around and curses the cursor in the next lifetime. Another pattern is that one person curses another person over and over through many lifetimes.

These curses can bounce back and forth, pretty much forever, getting stronger each time. When curse removers step in to fix the problem, they enter a dangerous minefield of interwoven nastiness.

I think there are two flavors to curses. One is binding negative life force to a person to bring about something like, “You will never find a woman who will treat you well.” The other is possessing a person to take over his or her Will. In my next post, I’ll tell a story about a curse that had both parts. A crucial aspect of removing the curse was finding the beginning of the cycle of cursing. Continue reading and add your comment