Tag Archives: proof


If something can’t be explained by ordinary reality, it shows the need for adding souls. Evidence includes personal experiences, verified reports, and reproducible experiments.

Personal experiences are convincing when you have them. They may give us new information or confirm something we expect to happen. While the experience is real to the person who has it, a skeptical person can say it was imagined or made up. Personal experiences only count when almost everyone has them. Near death experiences Continue reading and add your comment

Healing Our Soul

I’m working on two books related to souls. One is on the basic of souls and ways we can prove souls exist. I’m calling that one We All Have Souls and I Think I Can Prove It. The second book doesn’t have a name yet, but my intent is to work with several other people to describe ways that we can heal our souls.

There are other books that I plan to work on. They will be with people who have experience in many different fields.

One set will look more deeply at the proofs of souls Continue reading and add your comment