Tag Archives: soul

Earth-Bound Wishes

We all bring wishes into this life.

Relationships, sexuality, money and other forms of power — these are important wishes. If we achieve all of these, is it enough?

I’m pretty sure the answer is no. These are our Earth-bound wishes. We have them because we are in a body. Between physical lives we have a completely different experience. Wishes from there are also part of who we truly are. We need to meet those wishes to be whole.

But, this post is not about abandoning our earth-bound wishes. Continue reading and add your comment

I-Am (revised)

Thanks to a blinding flashlight of inspiration — that’s what lets us poke around in the dark long enough to find something worthwhile, as long as the energy lasts and we don’t shine it in our own eyes — I realized that I needed to change my ideas about the I-Am part of the soul. I’ve resisted it for a long time — that’s the light in the eyes part — but I finally realized that I needed something like subtle bodies in my model.

In another bit of inspiration, perhaps a static electricity spark’s worth, I changed the name of the top region of the soul from Form to Info. Now the name matches better with the idea that the real blinding flashes of inspiration come from the upper region of the world, which I think of as mostly information.

With that, here are my current thoughts on the I-Am part of the soul. Continue reading and add your comment

Blending Soul Regions

When we look at how our soul regions blend together, it helps explain who we are. While it’s not always true, the cooperation is often in regions that are next to one another. I think it’s similar to the way colors in a rainbow change smoothly from one primary color to the next. For example, between blue and green we can see many types of blue-green. Let’s take a look at pairs of regions to show how this works in souls.

When Energy and Wish regions work together we see a person with a lot of energy to devote to a cause. The energy may be positive or negative. The cause may be healing or harmful. If the cause is getting enough food to eat, we can expect the person to use any energy that is there. Others may be hurt. If the cause is helping others, there is a better chance that the life force will be positive. Continue reading and add your comment

???ing the Haters

Last time I wrote about Ho’oponopono and asked for thoughts about how to use it in a confrontation about soul reality. Basic Ho’oponopono has four steps: “I’m sorry.” “Please forgive me.” “Thank you.” “I love you.”

I specifically asked what you would do if you were talking about your experiences and you ran into a “hater” who challenged you by saying, “There is no such thing as soul reality. Physical reality is all that there is.” How do you fill in the question marks in the title of this post? Continue reading and add your comment

I-Am, the Boundary of Your Soul

The I-Am is the boundary that separates you from everything else. The I-Am is visualized in many different ways. For the start of this chapter I used a solid body, but there are many other ways to think about it.

One important point is that I am sure that the soul can extend outside the edges of the body. So the I-Am, as it encloses the soul, may need to be larger than the body.

When I think about the I-Am, I sometimes take a martial arts perspective. In that point of view I see three zones. I want to thank Mike Panian for this insight.

The outer zone is beyond the area where I can be physically harmed. Continue reading and add your comment

Form Region of the Soul

chakra 7

The top region (above the head) is the soul’s connection to the structure of the universe. Perhaps it’s a connection to God. Maybe it’s the way people speak with angels. Most of all, it’s our connection to sources of information that are normally beyond our ability to understand. Continue reading and add your comment

Will Region of the Soul

chakra 3

The Will region is how we turn our wishes into reality. The Wish region is seeking a different state of being. The Will region takes the wish and decides what we can do to reach it. Possibilities for actions may come from the regions above Will, but the decisions are made by Will.

The Will region is how we focus on actions. For example Continue reading and add your comment

Wish Region of the Soul

chakra 2

This continues the discussion of the soul I started last time with a description of the Energy region. You can see the first discussion here. It’s from the current draft of my book We All Have Souls and I Think I Can Prove It.

I’ve included an exercise to help you understand the region better. Your thoughts on the description and the exercise will help the book get better.

Wish Region

The Wish region is what we come into the world with. Any agreements we have from the time before we are born or from previous lives are stored here. The wishes we have express who we want to be. The rest of who we are grows out of these wishes. Continue reading and add your comment

Energy Region of the Soul

Energy Region

As most of you know, I’m writing a book called We All Have Souls and I Think I Can Prove It. This is the description of the bottom region of the soul. I call it the Energy region. Other traditions refer to it as the root chakra. I’m not fond of the term chakra, as you probably also know, because it brings up images of spots inside the body. I’m happier with a model where the soul surrounds the body.

I’ve included an exercise to help readers understand the region better. Your thoughts on the description and the exercise will help the book get better.

Energy Region
The energy region of the soul is our deep connection to a mix of positive and negative energy we tap into to create or destroy our realities. Continue reading and add your comment

We All Have Souls. Why Does it Matter? Part 2

The soul I am talking about has a structure. You can read about it here.

The life force we talked about earlier powers the soul. Life force moves energy and information from one place to another. Some regions use information more than energy. These are the Mind region and the Voice region. The Desire region and the Will region are more effective with energy. The Heart region seems to use an even balance of information and energy.

The second reason that souls matter is because they provide many ways for us to heal ourselves. Life is difficult and we all get banged and bruised. Western medicine is usually pretty effective at healing the body. It is not nearly as effective at healing the Mind or the Heart or the Will. Techniques that rely on soul reality can be used to heal these other parts of us.

There are some practices, current recognized by Western medicine, that seem to be best explained by soul reality. These include eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping), Rolfing, and other deep tissue massage. Other techniques that seem to use both body- and soul-related ideas include acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, qi gong, and related techniques.

Other techniques take us deep into soul reality. Shamanic healing techniques come from a variety of traditions, both modern and ancient. These focus on healing the soul. Earth magic, including witchcraft and herb lore, can be used for healing, too. When we look at these traditions, at least for people who are working on healing, we find that they work for all souls. It isn’t just humans that can be healed by these techniques. They can be used to heal the soul of the world and the souls of everything the world contains.

In our culture we get in the habit of thinking only about the physical. When we experience the world through our souls, everything changes. We are connected to one another, and if we are open to the experience, we are connected to everything. An act of kindness can resonate throughout a community. Even people who don’t know what has happened can feel a positive change. We know that what we do makes a difference. We know that we are alone only if we choose to be. We can connect with others in our community because souls are designed for just that purpose. This meaningful connection is the third reason that souls matter.

I believe our physical existence is a great experiment to create something new in a universe of souls. There are places where the glory of this creation can be felt. Some say the wilderness is best. But I find the same kind of joining together can happen with art or music. Think of the joy you see in videos of a flash mob music and dance performance.

So having souls lets us heal and grow. Souls let us be part of something that is important and know that the effort we put into our lives will make a difference. Souls let us feel our connections to others even while we are in bodies that separate us. Deep inside us we want meaningful lives and loving relationships and the knowledge that we matter. It’s work to get all those, but having souls matters because souls let us accomplish all those things.