Category Archives: beings

The Devas of Science and Magic 2 — Notes about Healing the Earth

There are pools in soul reality where beings can safely meet. Synchronicity brings the beings together because it is the right time for them to get together. In an ongoing synchronicity, there is information about what the beings need to do and energy to accomplish what needs to be done.

Betsy Bergstrom teaches that after a soul healing we need to let the River of Blessings flow through all the places that were healed. I believe this Pool of Blessings is the headwaters of the River of Blessings. I also believe that a blessing is just what is found here: a safe place to meet and energy and information to make a needed change.

I was in one of those pools with the devas of soul practices like shamanism, conjure, and energy healing. This is another side of the soul retrieval that I described last time []. Continue reading and add your comment

The Devas of Science and Magic 1– Notes about Healing the Earth

We hear a lot about the harm that humans are causing the earth. Sometimes people talk about harming the soul of the earth, whom they call Gaia, Pachamama, and many other names. I believe the harm is real.

I also believe that humans need to do more than stopping our harmful activities. Because we can, we are here to heal past hurts, which may or may not have been caused by humans. Beyond that, we are here to make our physical reality and the souls connected with it more wonder-filled than they already are.

But, let’s be realistic about what we can do. Right now there is so much hoocha and negative life force that making something new probably needs to wait until we clean up the problems of the past.

And that’s what the upcoming series of “Notes about Healing” will look at. Continue reading and add your comment

River of Blessings, River of Sorrows, and “Come Away O Human Child”

One view of the River of Blessings

I want to talk today about the River of Blessings, the River of Sorrows, and the poem “The Stolen Child” by William Butler Yeats. From these three elements I believe we can learn more about our souls’ purpose. The elements point out a path to a healthy soul and a well lived life… maybe.

I learned about the River of Blessings from Betsy Bergstrom <>. When she teaches how to remove curses, she goes back to the beginning, where the curse was first made. It may be in this life. But most curses I have found go back many lives. At the moment a curse is created we can remove its power. The removal of the curse cascades through the generations to the present time, and beyond. I believe everything from the time of the curse removal to now is changed. Continue reading and add your comment

Curses through Many Lifetimes

When I remove curses or have curses on me removed, I find that many are from earlier lifetimes. A typical pattern is that one person gets cursed in one lifetime and then turns around and curses the cursor in the next lifetime. Another pattern is that one person curses another person over and over through many lifetimes.

These curses can bounce back and forth, pretty much forever, getting stronger each time. When curse removers step in to fix the problem, they enter a dangerous minefield of interwoven nastiness.

I think there are two flavors to curses. One is binding negative life force to a person to bring about something like, “You will never find a woman who will treat you well.” The other is possessing a person to take over his or her Will. In my next post, I’ll tell a story about a curse that had both parts. A crucial aspect of removing the curse was finding the beginning of the cycle of cursing. Continue reading and add your comment

Mutual Sharing vs. Codependency

There is an exercise in We All Have Souls and I Think We Can Prove It that shows it is impossible to live in the physical world without harming other living things. In brief it asks you to consider a vegetable.

One point of the exercise is that we need to eat other living things to survive. When you eat the vegetable, feeding you becomes its sole purpose for existing. A carrot or stalk of broccoli that you eat doesn’t go on to make more carrots or broccoli. It’s finished, at least in the “bloodline” (seedline?) sense.

We should not have any thought that we can live in the physical world without harming other beings. It can’t be done. The souls of those other beings Continue reading and add your comment

When We Are Born, Why Do We Forget Our Souls?

We forget because the wish of everything that comes into physical reality is to learn how to be separate. That’s the simple answer.

In soul reality everything is much more connected. When we’re there, I don’t think we can say that a wish belongs to just one soul. Wishes and every other part of what the soul does are shared pretty freely with all the other beings that are there. There may be some limit to the sharing based on connections, but every being is connected to lots of others.

When we are so connected with others, we can’t learn about the aspects of our soul (wishes, feelings, thoughts, etc.). So we decided to run an experiment. And here we are — in physical reality — separate from everyone else. Continue reading and add your comment

Form Region of the Soul

chakra 7

The top region (above the head) is the soul’s connection to the structure of the universe. Perhaps it’s a connection to God. Maybe it’s the way people speak with angels. Most of all, it’s our connection to sources of information that are normally beyond our ability to understand. Continue reading and add your comment

Cloak of the Angels

I want to share something you can do right now and every day to make your life and the world better. It’s called The Cloak of the Angels, which I learned from Orion Foxwood.

The physical movements for the first two lines are raising your hands up above your head and — in soul reality — bringing a cloak down out of the sky. In the next line place the cloak around the shoulders of a person (or a community or the whole world or even yourself, if you need it). Fill in the blank with the recipient of the blessing. In the final line, wrap the cloak around the person by touching your hands together in front of the person’s heart.

You can do this in person or at a distance.

I call down the cloak of the angels.
Fall down as a waterfall of light.
Guiding, guarding, blessing __________,
By day and by night.

Feel free to send this blessing to me any time you think about it ☺ — and to everyone else you care about.

Ordinary and Extraordinary

In September 2015 I was in Albuquerque for a recreational therapy conference. One afternoon I took a walk out in the desert and came across an “ordinary” rock. It was, maybe, 20 feet high, about 40 feet up a cliff. From one angle it had a very human-like appearance, with a clear head and upper body. It was looking out over a large valley that was Native American land.

It offered me its job.

It turns out that its job was watching over the valley, not so much doing as just observing, reporting, and, perhaps, gathering the life force there and sending it to other beings that needed it. Positive life force was being created there all the time so there was a lot of life force to send.

It was a very tempting job. Continue reading and add your comment