Tag Archives: memory

When We Are Born, Why Do We Forget Our Souls?

We forget because the wish of everything that comes into physical reality is to learn how to be separate. That’s the simple answer.

In soul reality everything is much more connected. When we’re there, I don’t think we can say that a wish belongs to just one soul. Wishes and every other part of what the soul does are shared pretty freely with all the other beings that are there. There may be some limit to the sharing based on connections, but every being is connected to lots of others.

When we are so connected with others, we can’t learn about the aspects of our soul (wishes, feelings, thoughts, etc.). So we decided to run an experiment. And here we are — in physical reality — separate from everyone else. Continue reading and add your comment

Mind Region of the Soul

chakra 6

The Mind region combines sensing and intellect. It has the ability to see and hear the world, to make sense of things, sort them out, and figure out how they fit together. It also answers questions for the lower regions when they have a problem they can’t solve.

I think the overall purpose of the Mind is to figure out how to achieve our wishes in ordinary reality. Sometimes it takes a skillful Mind to even figure out what our wishes are. Ordinary reality can be very confusing. Continue reading and add your comment