Category Archives: martial arts

I-Am (revised)

Thanks to a blinding flashlight of inspiration — that’s what lets us poke around in the dark long enough to find something worthwhile, as long as the energy lasts and we don’t shine it in our own eyes — I realized that I needed to change my ideas about the I-Am part of the soul. I’ve resisted it for a long time — that’s the light in the eyes part — but I finally realized that I needed something like subtle bodies in my model.

In another bit of inspiration, perhaps a static electricity spark’s worth, I changed the name of the top region of the soul from Form to Info. Now the name matches better with the idea that the real blinding flashes of inspiration come from the upper region of the world, which I think of as mostly information.

With that, here are my current thoughts on the I-Am part of the soul. Continue reading and add your comment

Exploring Many Worlds



If you are an explorer, there are many ways you can discover more about soul realities and bring that knowledge into the physical world. We have this glorious chance to experience life. We should put the effort into living well, helping others, and learning the most we can. In this post I want to look at some of the worlds we can explore.

We have our physical world and there are many other worlds out there in soul reality. Each can be explored. My current experience is that we can step between these worlds. They seem to be related to one another, but each has parts that are all its own.

There are no boundaries between these worlds. We aren’t in one or another of them, as far as I can tell. They are all there, all the time. What we can do is choose which parts of reality we focus on.

I believe all of these worlds are part of what shamans call the Middle World. The beings who live in the Middle World, including us Continue reading and add your comment

I-Am, the Boundary of Your Soul

The I-Am is the boundary that separates you from everything else. The I-Am is visualized in many different ways. For the start of this chapter I used a solid body, but there are many other ways to think about it.

One important point is that I am sure that the soul can extend outside the edges of the body. So the I-Am, as it encloses the soul, may need to be larger than the body.

When I think about the I-Am, I sometimes take a martial arts perspective. In that point of view I see three zones. I want to thank Mike Panian for this insight.

The outer zone is beyond the area where I can be physically harmed. Continue reading and add your comment