Tag Archives: teamwork

Blending Soul Regions

When we look at how our soul regions blend together, it helps explain who we are. While it’s not always true, the cooperation is often in regions that are next to one another. I think it’s similar to the way colors in a rainbow change smoothly from one primary color to the next. For example, between blue and green we can see many types of blue-green. Let’s take a look at pairs of regions to show how this works in souls.

When Energy and Wish regions work together we see a person with a lot of energy to devote to a cause. The energy may be positive or negative. The cause may be healing or harmful. If the cause is getting enough food to eat, we can expect the person to use any energy that is there. Others may be hurt. If the cause is helping others, there is a better chance that the life force will be positive. Continue reading and add your comment